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I'm just a fan. A new fan. I'm restless, always looking for something new to see, learn and do. My lastest thing is NASCAR. It Happened when I drove a "Richard Petty Experience" car during the week of the 50th running of the Daytona 500.


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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Great Black Friday finds...

...on Thanksgiving it is my tradition and I know many of yours; to sit down go through all the sales flyer's to map out the "Black Friday" game plan.

Since my son is grown and all my family live in other states, I thought for the first time in my life, it's my "Black Friday" run, so with hubby in tow there were only 2 things I wanted to get (I think he was happy about that; he likes to shop on Christmas Eve).

1) My Yankee candle "Mistletoe" scent. Bed Bath and Beyond had them on sale 20% off , I also had a coupon for an extra 20%! I have artificial trees, so I've got to get that Christmas tree smell from somewhere!

2) The best book ever! "The Night before Christmas" , I found it at our local Books-a-Million. This is no ordinary Christmas book, you've got to read the reviews on this wonderful book. It's so full of letters, snowflakes, cards, pop ups, pull outs, etc..

I can see this as a table book for the holidays! If you have young children or grandchildren; this would be something they'd always remember. I took a few photo's of the book.

...and to all a good night!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

This was an 8 dishtowel, 3 dishcloth kinda Thanksgiving!

This was what I would call an "average" dirty towel kinda holiday for me, it'll definitely make its own load of wash!

This year my hubby offered to help with the dinner, here's the conversation:

hubby: "want me to help?"

me: "huh?, what?"

hubby: "what do you need me to do?"

me: "what do you want to do?"

hubby: "anything you want."

OK, by this time I knew he was serious, so I said you can clean the turkey.

hubby: "OK, how do you do that?" (keep in mind; 34 years with this man!)

me: "I'll show you and then you can also make the stuffing"

hubby: "OK, how do you do that?"

Are you getting the picture yet? Needless to say; I had to show him every little step.

He complimented himself over the turkey, stuffing and the mashed potatoes. Yes, I let him make the mashed potatoes too. ( don't tell him, but they were a little dry)

Truly, it was a great time, just the two of us.

These are my last 2 towels, (Sana Print Dishtowels) , I'm glad I didn't have to use them; they're new (I love the retro look). I got them at my favorite store, Crate & Barrel. They're on sale for only $2.95. Not a bad price for a little bit of style.

What I'm thankful for on this Thanksgiving... have been able to eat off these dishes from Thanksgivings past.
These were the dishes we would use at both Thanksgiving and Christmas for many years of my life. My mom bought them from her local grocery store a few pieces at a time over 35 years ago.
The tradition was the same, Dad would get them down from the attic each holiday, wash and dry each piece by hand (Dad didn't believe in dishwashers; well he kinda did, us!) But this chore was his and his alone.
My mother passed away in 2000, the rest of my family is out West and up North, but these wonderful dishes are down South with me.
So, to all my family and friends, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey "butt" that's just plain rude!

Have you ever walked up on something like this?

I didn't notice it getting out of my car, but getting back in, I looked down and there it was...

Who ever you are, the world is not you trashcan! Cigarette filters are made from cellulose acetate, which is a biodegradable resistant material.

Let me tell you what I think I know about you "butt" head.

1) You're probably female (white butts)

2) You want to get your money's worth (smoking them to the end)

3) You probably had to do without something and bitched you had no money! (with over 40 butts there; that's almost $10.00!)

4) You probably forced a child or two to breathe in that toxic second hand smoke!

The world thanks you, I thank you!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Generation "Smug"?

Well...finally we're starting to talk about a very big social issue that affects us all.

My child is 30 yrs. old (OMG! that makes me really old!), so when I listen to parents of children nowadays ask in true bewilderment, "why is this happening? I don't understand".

Hey, raising my son wasn't a "bed of roses" it was more like a "bed of nails", but I always was aware I would someday send him into the world of adulthood. My most overused line to him was; "life isn't fair, suck it up!"

Here's a rather simple explanation. Thank you so much Dr. Keith Ablow!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

...with "Turkey" dishtowels in hand

I was at the mall the other day, the "US" type (upscale), I always park in front of the entrance to Crate&Barrel that way I can check out one of my favorite stores, twice!

It was on my way back through...there they were, in the window display, my Turkey Dishtowels with a "sale" sign under them reading $6.95 for 2!

They spoke to me. Have you ever had something in a store speak to you? Well, I have, and they did! I walked in that store and went straight over to the window display, got my set of "Turkey" dishtowels, turned on my heels to leave and noticed people looking at the display from the outside, for just a split second I thought... "that's right, I designed this window display and not just the display...the "Turkey" dishtowels too!"

The attraction for me wasn't just the "Turkey"or even the earthy colors of the towels (which I love earth tones), it was the print itself that made me have to have them. The print looked like a gorgeous illustration drawn by the likes of Charley Harper. He calls his style "minimal realism".

I was so excited I bought another set of towels for my new daughter-in-law. I tried to get a couple of closeup views to show just how detailed they are.

Now, you know I'll never use them!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is what I kept...

These are the ones I got. My friend took the black/white giraffes.

I gotta tell you...when I walked into her home, no matter which way my head turned, it was Crazy Giraffe City! Giraffes in one form or another everywhere! There were giraffe wine holders, statues, stuffed giraffes, ornaments, and on and on and on. But, the largest Giraffe gift was a statue of 2 giraffes at least 5' tall!

It was her 85th birthday. So, I guess the question on everyones mind; what do you get someone that has everything? GIRAFFES!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There's very little I don't like Chattin' about...

I took a trip today to Anthropologie to by a gift for a friend. I found a set of Giraffe Measuring Spoons. I couldn't decide which color (multi or black/white), so I bought both (I'll keep the one she doesn't want).

I see that I wasn't the only one that really liked these. Here's a pic from: